C++ Tutor/Mentor

Looking for C++ tutor, I'm in my second semester of learning C++ and would like a tutor to help me out about 2 hours a week prefer on a saturday or sunday. Time is generally flexible, I'm on a U.S. CST. Prefer U.S. tutor but if not must speak excellent english with out a heavy accent. Looking for about 4-6 weeks worth of help so around 8-10 hours total, might be willing to extend or tutor can stop early if needed. Mostly learning arrays, functions, getting into OOP of C++, NOT looking for someone to do my homework as I want to actually learn this, just looking for assistance with basic C++. I use visual basic 2008, i also use google talk and you must so we can use the voice feature. Not sure what an hourly rate would be fair, feel free to contact me on this board of message me. Thanks
We here at Abysmal Essence Essence (www.abysmal-essence.net) have a tight group of people who are more than willing to teach you everything about c++, from the core basics to the advanced. Payment is no worry, we'll work to your budget, even if it's zero we'll still help. Email me at: [email protected] if you're interested.
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Hi blb078,
I'm a decent C++ programmer and an experienced teacher and tutor. I'd be happy to help you out. I don't live in the U.S. at the moment, but I'm a U.S. citizen and spent most of my life there, so English and accent won't be a problem. I also have a fairly flexible schedule on Sunday and Monday, so the time difference (Beijing) shouldn't be difficult to work around. My usual charge is $35 an hour, though if you're tight on cash I'll work with you...I can't beat A.E.'s offer to help out for free though.

If you're interested, just send me a private message and we can work out the details.


hi there blb078,

If you're still looking for help, contact me, I can help you out at a fair price.
is anyone available still offering to be a c++ tutor. I can pay 20 to 25 dollars an hr. Please if anyone can help it will be greatly appreciated. I am a 2nd semester c++ student. I dont know what happened but I completely behind in this class!
I suggest you buy a beginner's book or read the tutorial here.

I'd be willing to help you. I have 6+ years of C/C++ programming. Email me at [email protected]. Good luck to you.
Hi.My name is Kire Andreev. I'm from Macedonia. I have 6 years work experience in C/C++. I speak, read and write English very well. I will help you for 15$ per hour. My email is : [email protected].
Best Regards
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