Exactly what the title says. I have ~2 years experience in C++ and have tutored in the past (References provided on request). Tutoring can be done in person or over the web via skype. Developer work
DOES NOT INCLUDE doing people's homework. I am willing to provide examples of how to do something but they will not be acceptable for any homework assignements.
Tutoring: $15/hr payed beforehand the first few times (until I know you actually pay, I have gotten screwed in the past)
Developer: Payment is based on the difficulty of the program. For Example:
$10 Initial Fee for basic programs
Programming Fees:
$10 Fee for source code to be provided
$2 Fee per non-basic class (ie: multiple methods/members)
$5 Fee for simple data structures like linked lists and graphs
$10 Fee for basic data structures like plain binary trees
$10 Fee for advanced classes (templates, dynamically allocated members, etc)
$15 Fee for advanced data structures with recursion allowed (like avl trees)
$30 Fee for advanced data strcutures without recursion (faster but harder to do)
Extra Fees apply to connecting to servers to send/recieve information, must have a library containing functions to do so.
UI Fees:
$10 Fee per window
Extra Fees may apply based on complexity (too many possibilities to list all)
Contact Info:
Name: Elliot
[email protected]
Phone: (714) 580-4592 (Text or email is prefered over calling)
WARNING: Asking me to do your homework will get you an application that cant be turned in, but can be used to learn how to create a program like it.