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  • 18yr old seeking Job Experience (skiille

18yr old seeking Job Experience (skiilled in c,c++,java)

It am extremely eager to better myself, professionally in software development. I am currently enrolled in University, so this will be a good opportunity to not only get my hands wet working in a field that I love but also to sustain my appetite for knowledge and to take care of my family. I first started programming at age 16. My high school offered no classes so I self-taught myself the concepts of c/c++ and object oriented design using E-books from the Microsoft website. I am experienced and self-taught in Windows API (messages,controls,inputs) using c/c++ and the GUI that the Java SDK provides. I have also familiarized myself with the basics of network programming (Client,Host,Peer) model. I understand the basics of the software development model. Im interested in working with anyone for free (initially) on a long term project for experience and professional understanding of the field of computer science.
You know you could work on luciangrim project at the top. It may not be long term but it would give you some expericence.
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