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C++ Tutor/Developer Looking For Work

Exactly what the title says, C++ tutor looking for work. $15/hr base rate. Along with my service you are allowed simple questions at no cost directly to my email (received immediately to my phone). I take payment via paypal, I can bill you straight to your email, and the first session is to be payed beforehand, additional sessions afterward payed after each session.

I am taking the final on friday getting me certification in C++ as a developer, and I can teach anything as high as doubly linked lists, however I do not really use C or C#, so although most basics carry over, I can not teach advanced C and C# students.

Software Developing:
I also provide simple software development for a fee.
NOTE: If it is your homework that you are wanted me to do, dont tell me, just be specific on what you want done, if you are going to cheat its not my business but i do not condone it.

PS. If you ask me to help you cheat directly on a test/final I will simply contact your school's administrator and forward your email, and yes I have done this before.

Pricing for Software:
Base cost: 10$ (can be lowered for super simple programs)
Source Code cost: 10$
Simple Classes: 2$/class or struct
Advanced classes, linked lists, and simple data structures: $5/class, list, or data structure
Advanced Data Structures (Recursion Allowed): 15$/Data Structure
Advanced Data Structures (No Recursion): 20$/Data Structure

Note: No recursion is exponentially more work but I am willing to do it.

Note2: Sufficient time must be given to complete the project, if payment is made and the project is not completed in time I will provide a full refund.

Note3: I will follow your instructions to a tee, if you are unsatisfied with the result I will adjust the program to your liking but a refund will not be made.

References and Contact info:
If you would like a reference for my work I am willing to provide references of those who I have tutored, and you can check out my LinkedIn profile at: www.linkedin.com/pub/elliot-mendiola/51/841/359

You can contact me at: [email protected]
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NOTE: If it is your homework that you are wanted me to do, dont tell me, just be specific on what you want done, if you are going to cheat its not my business but i do not condone it.

That's kind of amusing. Clearly, you do condone it if you tell them how you wish to be approached to do it.
Saying: whether or not someone is cheating is none of my business; is not condoning cheating.

Condone - 1. (v) Accept and allow

If I find out that someone is cheating, I will not work with them, therefore, I do not accept cheating, and per the definition of condone, I do not condone it. Before you speak understand what you say and what it is in response to.
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"If it is your homework that you are wanted me to do, don't tell me.."

Yes. Clearly, you do not accept or condone cheating, unless someone soothes your conscience as they pay you to help 'em do just that. Clearly that means "If it is your homework, don't come to me with it."
Thanks for your un-needed input.

If you want tutoring, continue to post, if you do not, please troll elsewhere. Unless you are a customer your opinion has no affect on how I do business, if you have an opinion about me, you know where to shove it.
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"I post on a public forum. If you disagree with me or have an opinion on what I posted that doesn't agree with mine, don't respond to me because I'm not capable of discussion. Instead, I'll call you a troll and say I didn't say what I did say."

Cute. =)
Right, I am the one incapable of discussion when your entry into one is aggressive, you sir need to take a communications class.

And you can be sarcastic all you want, it doesn't change the fact that nothing of what you said has been constructive or truly pertained to what this post was about. Don't act like mocking someone is starting a real conversation, if you truly think that I feel sorry for you and your loved ones, that's not me being aggressive, that's me being honest.
That sounds like a nice service. I fear I agree with cire on this issue though, not as sarcastically though. Your choice of words does make you look like you do condone it.
NOTE: If it is your homework that you are wanted me to do, dont tell me, just be specific on what you want done, if you are going to cheat its not my business but i do not condone it.

That comes across as "I don't condone flat out cheating, but if you don't tell me it is cheating them I will help and allow it." Kind of like using money from a bank robbery, when asked about it and you say "Well I didn't know it was from a robbery." an attorney can still decide to charge you as an accessory to the armed robbery.

You are offering a great service for a fair price, but with that one quote you are attracting those seeking to cheat on their assignment. You would get a lot of clients, but you would possibly gain the reputation of helping people cheat on homework. You don't need that kind of reputation as it would pull more students looking or an easy out rather than those looking to seriously learn programming.
Right, I am the one incapable of discussion when your entry into one is aggressive, you sir need to take a communications class.

If making an observation that is supported by evidence available to anyone is being aggressive, I clearly am.

I'm just curious what category ignoring logic to call someone a troll and tell them where they can shove it puts you in?
thats clearly not what you did, you twisted my words and acted childish, im done responding to anything you post because you clearly are not a lucid individual

@BHXSpecter its unfortunate but I have 1 customer out of 10 that i do not suspect of cheating... I dont have the luxury to say, you know what? i dont need the 135 a week from people who might be cheating... but if i have proof someone is cheating, thats where I draw the line, get it?
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you twisted my words and acted childish

Your words are right there for anyone to see. And if making observations based on evidence is childish -- guilty.

I'm still wondering what category ignoring logic to call someone a troll, tell them where they can shove it, and then calling them childish puts you in?

1 customer out of 10 that i do not suspect of cheating.

So, 9 out of 10 people you suspect of cheating, but continue to take their money and help them merrily on their way, but you don't condone cheating.

You might have a future in politics.

honestly... who cares if he condones cheating or not. This is a forum for a tutor/software programmer, not a philosophical discussion on the morals of cheating. Give the man some space.
What c++ certification are you getting and what is the cost?
See I never knew there was more than one C++ certification. Just learned something new :).
1 out of 10? I hope you find those numbers are more like 9 out of 10 and then only 1 is cheating. I have to admit I wouldn't waste my time tutoring if it was only 1 being honest and 9 possibly cheating. :(
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