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Looking for programmer with good knowledge of C++/networking and sockets

I need someone to create a third party program(packet bot), for a small unheard of game, i want it to have a simple GUI that will allow me to capture the ingame co-ords and have the character repeat certain keystrokes/clicks within certain ranges this will be done by having it resend TCP packets to the server in a lifelike way to that of a normal player.
,should be a simple task, the game was made in C++ if that matters.

i will pay for this service via western union or Paypal and i will come back for regular updates/maintenance, naturally a more detailed plan will be presented apon first encounter, its alot easier to show someone rather than try to explain what I want in a initial want ad, anyone with strong understanding of packets(sockets)/networking and c++ will find this a easy task.

We can discuss a fixed charge or a Pay by hour depending on how much work you decide it will be after reviewing the situation.

A strong understanding of RPG(role play game) game mechanics and RPG Private servers are an advantage but not essential

I live in Royston Hertfodshire can communicate by email/telephone/skype or if your local we can meet up in person. I will likely need future work done in similar roles. please post your rates and some sort of communication (telephone number/email/skype ect)

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I'm C++Developer QT, MFC , Boost and have experience with socket
Will the application require a GUI?
Yes the application will require a GUI i sent you a PM with some more details thanks for the reply, jasfil that sounds like just the person i need, if you'd like to PM me as your PMS are turned off and ill send you some more details thanks again for the fast reply

pls contact me on mail [email protected] for more details about project
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