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  • Programmer for [Unreal Engine 3] Game

Programmer for [Unreal Engine 3] Game

I'm looking for a C++ programmer, also familiar with Java and 'Unreal-Script' to team-up with to work on an Unreal Engine 3 game. What's planned is for this game is for it to be an open sourced first-person shooter similar to the Call of Duty and Battle Feild franchises to be 'possibly' be sold at a modest price. With some elements from shooters from the past and present, as well as fighting games to add some extra edginess to it.

Currently, I'd serve as a sort of "creative-head" of the project, at present there is no need to hire out game artist, animators and/or 3d modelers, given the open-sourced nature of game. All that's needed is to lay to the foundation i.e. code-work for the idea to work. Basic requirements are that you have a computer able to run Unreal Tournament 3 and the Unreal Development Kit, be able to devote at least 20 hours a month toward the project, have a GREAT and POSITIVE personality, with a work-ethic to match.
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could you contact me at [email protected]?

I have experience in C++ and do have access to the Unreal Development Kit, although i have not worked with it in the past. I have a great, positive but professional attitude and my "nick name" at my last job was Mr. Ethical to reflect on my work ethic.
I also have some experience in c and java from a library book i got through all of c and most of java and i have some good experience on the udk if you would contact me on my email ill help with your project i want to discuss publishing
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