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  • High quality 2D ORPG seeks partner

High quality 2D ORPG seeks partner

Some in-game shots of the project. All art is original and drawn specifically for the Eternia project.

Summary of Project

Eternia: Prologue is a free-to-play ORPG. I plan to generate an income through an optional subscription system that will reward subscribers with extra content. The game itself has a heavy emphasis on action -- players are able to dodge projectiles, block strikes, and pull off melee and spell combinations. There are currently two factions in the game: Exorcists, users of light, and Occultists, wielders of darkness. These two factions will be the main focus of the game's lore upon release.

If interested I'll host a demo of the game so you can see how it plays so far, it's so close to an official release. I desperately need someone reliable to finish up the remaining features and add content.

It's programmed in the BYOND engine ([url]http://byond.com[/url]) which should be a piece of cake to pick up if you have experience in C++, Python, etc.

What I Need From You

* I require a competent, dedicated programmer, that pretty much just wants to make an awesome game and is motivated by that. The BYOND engine is getting Flash support soon, meaning this game will be played on sites like Kongregrate, Facebook, Newgrounds, etc - the financial potential is there so I'm sure the time invested will be worthwhile.

* If you're not absolutely sure you will be able to commit at least 15 hours a week to this project then please do not apply. It's fine if that amount varies from week to week, as a hobbyist, I'm not expecting you to dedicate your life to this - I'd just like to see a reasonable amount of commitment.

What You Get Out Of This

*Depending on how much the game makes, you will certainly recieve a cut. If the game generates enough money by the month, I'd like to offer a wage as well (per feature or based on hours).

*The programmer will be given a lot of design flexibility. You won't just be programming what I ask of you, you'll be free to pitch in your own ideas and have a huge influence on the direction Eternia takes. You get a nearly complete RPG with fine looking art already drawn - what's there not to like?

*I want to use the money that Eternia makes to start more games. If you have a good project idea, we can sure as hell bring it to life by commissioning art and programming.

Contact Me

If you have any questions or you'd like to state your interest, send me a forum message. I can also be reached at my email and MSN: [email protected].
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