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  • looking for cracker , hacking of games.

looking for cracker , hacking of games.

closed account (y0RX92yv)
I am looking for a hacker to hack games .
As hacking of games is not illegal as long as we do not hack anything that is about money. i am looking for a hacker to make legal hacks of first person shooter game. if interested please email me @ [email protected]
i will pay $1500 a month.
hmmmm not only is it very dangerous, but it is actually illegal and anyways it ruins the fun. 1500 a month for a few hacks? sounds like a scam
sounds like a scam

It sure does. Glad to see that the guy was banned.
he did? good!
Wow the nerve of some people on the net even those who do not want to play fair in a video game or with software.
$1500 a month for hacking?

seems legit!

anyways,aside the jokes,I really wish I dont see this kind of posts in this forum.
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