C++ Matlab Engineer in WI

1yr Contract posssible perm in Waukesha, WI
Contact [email protected]

Candidates will write and update Matlab and C/C++ MEX source code for the purpose of hardening, optimizing, documenting, and testing existing Matlab prototype code, and creating new code to complete the applications. The resulting applications will meet product and process requirements.

As the applications are to be deployed in a CT Scanner, and as the CT Scanner is a regulated medical device, the engineers will follow the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), which includes providing evidence that all aspects of SDLC have been followed.

Specific activities will include:
1. Assist in designing framework to provide interfaces between the
core CT Scanner software system and Matlab based algorithm code.
2. Review existing prototype code for stability, robustness,
correctness, execution speed, and adherence to standards.
3. Recommend and implement improvements to the code for stability,
robustness, correctness, execution speed, and adherence to standards.
4. Write new Matlab and C/C++ MEX code to interface to the core CT
Scanner software system.
5. Write automated unit and integration tests to verify the quality of
the implementation.
6. Create documentation of the design, code, and tests.
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