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(MMO)(Volunteer) Third Person Shooter - Planet Earth

Team name:
Planet Earth Dev Team

Project name:
Planet Earth

Brief description:
Planet Earth is going to be an all out PvP game where people will choose their side, and fight it out till the end, trying to take back the city of _____. The game will be a third person shooter, in free roam of the city, mixed with an RPG. upgrades will be available in game for the money you earn defending/attack the city. Character and overall game customization is still being decided but looks to be in a vast field, with many options and areas to customize, including your overall character, vehicle, and possibly houses. We are looking for coders, programmers, digital artists, basically anyone with experience in the field of creating or programming games, or a 3d landscape/world.

Target aim:
C++ Programers and 3D Graphic Designers/Artists

We are non-profit at this point

Talent needed:
About 2 years, 1 year minimum of C++ programming Must have experience with 3D game development
Show all previous work in this field and your chances are greater.

Team structure:
Current members are:
ChrisMP Head Manager, Wolf2 Recruiter, Silver Storyline Creator, Jack Storyboard

IRC: #planetearthrecruit or email at [email protected].
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Who is "we", what kind of expertise do you bring in, what games have you already made before etc etc?
Ok, how that? I updated it.
I am intersested.
I was interested for about 2 seconds. Then I noticed a lot of things that gave me doubts. You have a four man team thus far, asking for programmers and artists. That makes it sound like four guys want someone else to do the work. You put your 'job titles' but none of your qualifications. Head manager, recruiter, storyline creator and storyboard doesn't tell us anything about your programming and artistic abilities. For all we know you could be doing stick figures for the storyboard. Then there is a site that is completely blank. Not many people will jump to join you without a lot of that in place.

A MMO 3rd Person Shooter/RPG in 3D? I know a team that is making a 2D RPG and have restarted the project at least once from scratch, and have been working on it for over two years with nothing more to show than a few engine test videos. The team I'm referring to is the Elysian Shadows team.

Someone also asked for your previous games you made and you didn't answer that. These are all things that need to be addressed in order to get more people to trust you to actually get the game done and give credit where it is due.

Last thing, you all will have to be excellent at self motivation for it because I have seen and been in many game programming teams that fell apart for lack of motivation. I graduated last year from DeVry University with a Bachelor of Science in Game and Simulation Programming and I was blown away at how many of my teams ended with me doing the work because the rest of the team lost interest. Crappy part was that they got good grades even after I turned them in for not doing anything.
I second BHX - you need to give actual information about yourself. Like what have you done previously etc. At the moment, it pretty much sounds like you're completely incapable of doing anything related to the game creation process.

I sincerely doubt that you have any actual experience in the field, because you'd have to be mad to attempt a non-profit 3D MMO - there are great expenses necessary to get and keep such a thing running, and even if you'd somehow manage to get an entire team together that all know their stuff, and somehow prevented it from breaking up- which IS going to happen to 99.9999999% of all non-profit teams, especially if they attempt something that's way over their head, and somehow could provide the budget to even get a sufferable server and administrators when you're actually done - it would still take YEARS.

I do not think you do comprehend the magnitude of what you are attempting, or at least think you are attempting.
Show me a demo or some sign that you guys are actually doing something, I can not tell you how many posts on forums I've seen with a title like "need help with mmo/rpg/fps/abunchofotherstuff"
with nothing to show. I'm also interested in what kind of experience you guys actually have.
The sudden lack of replies makes me think we hit the nail on the head in this case.

That is one thing I noticed that a lot of fans have a misconception of. The game designers don't just go to their boss and say, "Yeah I want to make this!" and leave it at that. They usually have a few concept sketches, mock-up levels, and such to show what they had in mind in order to get the company to invest in letting them develop it. No one really starts with nothing and builds from there.

Anyone else notice that they didn't say what IRC server, just the channel?
Last edited on by closed account z6A9GNh0
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