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  • Trudvang team looking for experienced de

Trudvang team looking for experienced developer(s)

My name is Robin Sundberg. Usually I work as a designer / art
directors assistant at a production company but I also
work on an indie game called Trudvang in my free time.
We could use some help with programming / development and we hope someone in this forum will read this and is interested in joining us. The game will be built in CryEngine 3.

The idea of the game is to make a game based on a swedish pen and
paper roleplaying game called Trudvang. Trudvang is a fantasy world
very much influenced by ancient nordic mythology, tales and legends.
It is a dark world where the powers of nature are greater than the
powers of men, elves and dwarves. In the darkness of the deep forests
ancient secets lie hidden under moss covered rocks, great treasures
lie hidden in the cold water of the forest lakes.

Trolls hide in the shadows as frightened animals during the daytime,
but in the night, when the sun goes down and the night comes they
leave their hiding places. Hear the sound of an owl in the distance.
Behind a that big rock you think you hear the sound of branches
breaking, and in the dark of the night you are almost sure you can see
yellow eyes watching every step you take from a distance...

Trudvang is a world filled with great mystery and legends, it is a
dark setting where you always have the feeling that you are not quite
safe. You are only a small character in a greater story but you can
and must make a difference anyway.

We are inspired by the works of John Bauer, the finish national epos
Kalevala, the beowulf legends but most of all ancient nordic mythology
and legends.

We want to focus on the mood and artwork of the game. I will make the
2D artwork myself, and also manage most other things (like flash actionscript which I have experience from for HUDs and Game menues). I also get some concept help by another trudvang friend who is a freelancing designer / illustrator and some story help from another guy. We also work with two talented composers. And today a guy joined the team as a 3D designer who is currently working at DICE.

To give you some references you can check out the artwork on these sites:

http://www.paulbonner.net -(Official artwork, click gallery and riotminds)

(some extracts from game books)

And here's some concept illustrations by my team mate:

And some of the previous work by one of the composers:

Main theme is finnished but I couldnät upload right now.

We have talked to Riotminds (a company that no longer exists
unfortunately) and they have given us okay to base our game on their
world. So there's no IP conflict here. We will sign a license agreement if we decide to go commercial.

I'm sorry for writing an essay but I hope someone is interested in helping us.
It will be a perfect project to expand your skills and a chance to create some
really cool work. We usually don't work for free either. It's a passion project
and also see it as a way to expand our professional abilities. I'm very careful with who I bring on the team since I want this to be a high quality project. Of course there might be some economic compensation if we go commercial.

I also want to say that I could learn how to code myself but as I know how difficult it is to get into someone else's code and specially if it's not very good code from the beginning I would like to have an experienced coder from the start with a good C++ OOP knowledge.

If you're interested please contact me on this mail: [email protected]

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