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  • ALTOVA is looking for a Senior Develope

ALTOVA is looking for a Senior Developer C++ (m/w)

Your mission will be to extend the capabilities of our products and to create new innovative software development tools. The result of your efforts will be used by thousands of developers worldwide. Developing highly complex algorithms or designing and implementing outstanding graphical user interfaces will be part of your challenge.


Profound C++ knowledge out of 5+ years professional experience with C++
Good skill in Microsoft VC++, MFC and STL
Good English language skills (NO German required)
This job is situated in VIENNA, we don´t offer remote work or freelancing.


Experience with XML, COM, databases


Our office located in Vienna’s first district has an excellent infrastructure and is conveniently accessible via public transport. If you enjoy working in a highly professional and flexible environment (flexible working hours etc.) please send us your CV via e-Mail to: [email protected]

Altova GmbH, Rudolfsplatz 13a, A-1010 Vienna
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