Looking for free developers

First i would like to make clear that im not a small child with a brain the size of a pinhead pressing random web pages on his browser and spamming every forum he sees with ("I wokld likz tos makre gmae for momeys plzzzzz")

I am a experienced project manager and somewhat intermediate c++ programmer, with a vision to create a perfect development environment for a beginner that would like to jump into the world of code.

And this exactly the goal of Cherry.
Cherry is a very simple and quite powerful interpreted programming language. It is focused on giving beginners an amazing environment to program anything from text based games to advanced mathematical calculators and beyond.

If you would like to join Cherry we are currently in the planning stage and although the actual language is going to be coded in C++/C ,anybody with a basic knowledge of programming can help with the basic ideas.

To join Cherry send me an email: [email protected]
Or message me on skype: iamjose17

Cherry is currently hosted at sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cherrylang/

For the more experienced programmers i don't have much experience with parcer/lexer's and we are going to need some programmers to join the team and give some free time to use bison or, if there feeling great today, start jotting down some notes for a hand written parser from scratch which i know would take much longer but it would be a exclusive feature.
Tell more, what should the language do. Give an example and present the features you want it to have. Also go to options and activate the private messaging (it's turned off by default).
Sorry for the late reply, Its not a scripting language but it is basically a combination of C++ and Python.

Code example:

start main

  write"Hello World!"
It may be more beneficial and less time consuming to create a c++ library with macros as well to create simplicity. This way someone can learn how to program in a more accepted language but with a more simple and giving environment.
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I may be interested to work on this as extracurricular activity. I have 3 years of C++ experience. Could you give more information on what exactly this project is or update the website with more info :)
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Before you start to design a new language I would recommend you to check this site out:

When you're out of options then I guess you can begin developing a new programming language.

There are so many languages out there so there must be at least one that will work for you.
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oh cool i actually had an idea like this but i cant realy help as i only have like a basic c++ understanding and you could actuallt do what graham suggested just define them in a header file shoudnt be too hard plus you dont want to change the syntax too much incase the beginner learning "cherry" wants to move up to c++
closed account (10oTURfi)
@ iCurzU
I laughed so hard when I saw this: http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-cow-146.html
I just cant believe this.
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