Hey guys! My name is richard and i am wondering if anyone is offering a job? I am 15 turning 16 this year, but i am also a basic C++ Programmers, as i would say Intermediate... I know a lot of operators, loops, arrays, function, pointers, etc.. If anyone is looking for someone like me just post here, and i may message you, but not only do i know C++ i also know Lua <-- Pretty good with it.. I am also going to learn PHP, and Java, but the main purpose of this post is for a C++ job..
Hello, Im looking for a C++ programmer to help me develop my final year project. I've hacked the kinect on Ubuntu & have been using it to knit together rooms. I need someone to modify the open source code i have to reduce the view of the kinect so instead of picking up an entire room it focuses on a single object. This is a brief part of the project, the aim is to create a 3D photocopier by combining a kinect & reprap. If you or anyone else you know is interest please let me know, Thanks
richard i will gladly pay you to do some very simply c++ programming for me. its for introductory class. all i need is two short programs. one dealing with if/then the other deals with arrays, i need this ASAP email me at [email protected] for all the details
Richard101 you still looking for a job?and if whe accept how can i pay you with liberty reserve?
what i want to do is copy sdtout to txt all is done only not this part,copy sdtout to txt.