C++ Architects

Fortune 500 company in high demand of 2 C++ Architects/Developers with strong Unix/HP environment experience. 10-20 years(Masters/PHD degrees)

Applicants must be local to Pittsburgh Or open to relocation(Relocation Assistance will be provided)

Contract to Perm, conversion salary 120k to 140k+bonus, full benefits(medical. 401k)

US Citizen Preffered
Good Communications
Out of Box Thinker
Outgoing Personality, able to speak up in meetings.

Please contact if you may know of anyone that is interested.
[email protected]
Hello !

I would like to get more details about this job and the requirements.
Can you give more details ?


The 2 Architects are already filled. They are now in need of 20 C++ Developers with Java. Strong HP/Unix environment exposure. Send me your resume or give me a call in order to further discuss this opportunity.
What company?
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