Heap Manager Project

C++ Heap Memory Manager
We have a C++ application that needs named shared memory heaps in addition to a local heap for use by any type of object. In order to implement this we overrode C++’s global new and delete operators and have simple heap memory management (HMM) implementation that works under Windows.
We need a system type C++ programmer to develop a robust HMM that can dynamically allocate and free memory chunks as needed and operate in both Windows and Unix. We believe existing, proven memory management code such as Doug Lea’s malloc, can be adapted.
The initial call to the HMM will be passed a pointer to and the size of its initial block of memory. HMM is responsible for initializing this block and allocating and freeing chunks of memory based on calls from the C++ overridden new and delete operators. When additional memory blocks are required; HMM will call a provided method to request another block of memory. This method will return the pointer and size of the next memory block. If an entire block can be freed, HMM will call a provided method to return the block to the system. All calls are made with the pointer to the initial memory block. This pointer is used to determine the type of memory, either named shared or local.
If you are interested in this project please contact me: [email protected]
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