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Seeking C++ Developers for Non-Commercial Emulation Project (Unpaid. Voluntary.)

The project in question deals with MMORPG emulation using an in-house platform. One does not need to know how to create a game in order to be helpful to the project. Game emulation is a great opportunity to expand on existing programming skills, gain understanding complex systems, learn how game mechanics work, learn how to make use of complex data structures and data packet systems in a manner suitable for gaming platforms.

Most young or modern commercial and independent game developers these days start out by reverse engineering and emulating existing software and games, thereafter using the knowledge they gained to progress on to developing their own games from the ground up.

The project is currently very active and is closed-door, meaning its name, website URL, source code, and etc. is being kept private. When the project reaches a certain maturity, a significant portion of it (being the majority) will be made open source and the project will embrace a more open approach to the surrounding community.

To be considered, you must exhibit solid experience and knowledge in the following areas:

* Memory Management (This is most important above all.)
* Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
* Developing and using design patters such as Singletons, Composite OOP, Object Factories, etc.
* Networking (Sockets and Advanced Internal Clustering)
* MySQL Databases

Experience and knowledge in the following areas will be considered a "plus":

* MMORPG Database Schema Design
* Data Packet Reversal (Byte Data Analysis)
* File Format Reversal (Byte Data Analysis)
* Oracle Databases
* Python, Lua, or other interpreted languages.
* Other compiled languages.
* Web-based languages.

In addition, those who wish to contribute to such a project need to be able to devote a healthy amount of time and effort - we are in pursuit of long term team members.

To express your interest and apply, please send an email to:

[email protected]

Once your application has been received, a test will be prepared for you and you will be asked to submit code examples for review by the Lead Developer, after which you will be informed of the decision made by the project's founder and co-founder.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing from some of you!
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Most young or modern commercial and independent game developers these days start out by reverse engineering and emulating existing software and games, thereafter using the knowledge they gained to progress on to developing their own games from the ground up.

Actually, Making Game-Mods is how most young or modern commercial blah blah. Reverse-engineering and emulating existing software comes under some very gray legal areas as far as copyright and intellectual property laws go.
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That's true for FPS/RTS SDKs, but with MMORPGs there's not much game modding you can do, and even so, most MMORPGs have very thick legal dilemmas regarding modifying clientside software.

The MMORPG this project is dealing with does not allow for modifying the client. Emulating the game by creating a server that happens to be compatible with the company's client does not tread on many (if any) legal barriers. Additionally, you cannot copyright a networking protocol. That's where most of the legal barriers fall short.

Reverse engineering is often prohibited but one could partake in reverse engineering by simply using statistics and performing regression tests to determine formulae and equations that make something work in a program, but gathering statistical data and making inferences based on that data can't really be considered illegal.

We will not be using existing code or identical methodologies for accomplishing our tasks - we don't want to do anything that would raise questions about our project because we actually want to play the game we're going to emulate, which doesn't exist anymore in its original form. Essentially what we've done is create a gaming engine which we will use to power the actual emulator components, and this engine can already be used for emulating other games or creating new ones. So that's roughly 60% of the project that we can account for that was built from scratch, in-house.
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