Looking For A Teacher.......

Im looking for someone to teach me C++ to a nice standard.

Some things id like the Teacher to have:
1] Expereince in General C++ Coding and Maybe a little bit of knowledge about how to make games.
2] A nice personality
3] Be active at weekends or certain weekdays

Thank You For Reading This.

If You Would Like The Job Reply On The Forum and Also add me.

[email protected]
It's quite difficult teaching coding anonymously across the internet. I've done it before with some success, but it wasn't easy. Probably a better way to go would be to look through the tutorial on this site and then find a project to have a go at.
If you get stuck for ideas, someone on this site will be able to suggest something that you'll want to try.
Then, as you go through the project and get stuck, post questions in the forums and you'll get answers or directions to the resource that has the answers.

The people in here that answer the questions do so because they enjoy helping, they are all volunteers no one is paid to do it. There is also a huge amount of experience, so if you get three people answering a question, the chances are one of them will have explained it in a way you understand. If someone posts an incorrect answer, the chances are it will be picked up. Just one person, who you are relying on to give you all the answers, who may think they know more than they do, could make the problem even more confusing.

All of the experienced software engineers who help in here applaud someone who takes it upon themselves to learn the language, as you appear to be doing. If they see you are having a go then they will do their best to help. Why limit yourself to one teacher when you can have loads of them?
Yer but i find the forum on here is very slow and it would quite easy if there was an active member that helped me via MSN or something...
I do not find this forum very slow at all. Formatting your questions correctly and providing us with as much information as possible is definitely going to get you a faster reply.

Just consider this, there are 3 main Operating Systems, more than 5 Compilers (with differences even between versions), more than 5 IDEs, more than 5 GUI Toolkits. How are we suppose to guess what combination any one poster has?

Learning C++, especially as a first programming language, is not an easy task. C++ is one of the most generic and open-ended programming languages available, this leaves you with 1000 ways to accomplish 1 task. C++ does not handle things like Memory Management, Resource Allocation or Gargage Collection for you, so you have to ensure things like this are done manually. Some languages like Delphi provide you with native GUI tools, while C++ does not (Visual C++ does however... but this is yet another combination of GUI, Compiler and IDE).

Most active members are also professional SW developers who do this to help the community. We often don't enjoy programming outside of work (hard to believe I know!) as we spend 8+hrs a day staring @ code on some occasions.
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I think this is one of the fastest forums around for getting questions answered. If you ask a specific question, you'll probably get a quick answer. If you post several hundred lines of code, and ask for it to be fixed, it's going to take much longer. As Zaita said, the variations of compilers etc can complicate matters a lot.

If you post lots of questions, you'll get to be known and you'll get the hang of asking questions in a way to get quick answers.

Give it a go and see how you get on.
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Well not very meny help me and im a new person you know what that does to new ppl throws them off the idea of programming or just C++ also if u think this forum is faster than msn just need to look at the times to prove ur incorrect.....
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I think if you took the time to format your questions with the correct information we'd be able to answer them faster. Also, thinking out your questions more before asking them helps too. This will ensure you are not asking something that is a non-issue.
Also, I think you will find alot of us can spare time to answer questions on a forum. But we won't have the time to be available via IM/MSN for someone on a regular basis.
Well we will see nxt time i need help im gonna make it perfect and see if anyone replies in a reason time space..
No worries :)
lol xD
I am teaching 4 other people C++, and I would be glad to teach you too! I could PM/Email you the lessons, but it would be more convenient you could register on [url="xg.serveftp.org"] These [/url] forums though...
I charlie,sorry to interfere but let me ask you a question Zaita I am using dev-cpp compiler does it have Graphics libraries...how does it called?And during compiling sometimes I use two different compilers the other one is borland compiler .what's surprising is the source file can compile in dev-cpp compiler without any errors but in borland it does't compile i dont know why?And also Zaita it seems you are quit smart..! what do you do..I mean what is your experience?
Gamer i visited the webby u sent a link too be whats it for getting in touch??
Charlie: It'd be better if you started your own post to ask questions.

Dev-C++ doesn't come with graphic libraries, except OpenGL, by default. You will need to install a DevPaK (either from WebUpdate or www.devpak.org) to get some. You can use them by linking to them in your project options and by including the header files.

Not being able to compile between 2 different compilers is quite common. As they make have subtle differences in the way they intepret things. Your best to stick with the MingW compiler that Dev-C++ uses. This will give you better code for multiple-platforms.

My Experience. I work for a research company as a software developer, I am also a contract developer to a local hospital (working on a very large migration). I have been developing commercially for about 5yrs, and privately for about 8yrs in a variety of languages.
That's just for my convience(That's where I'm posting the lessons), I can still teach you on MSN, Y!IM, AIM, Myspace, This forum, etc.

Y!IM- polysoft_gamer
AIM- Gamer404X
MSN- use my Y! ID
The link you gave me i made two accounts with different emails yet they aint sent me a reply to activate my account.

is that your msn or is it
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[email protected] is my Yahoo IM ID. I might be able to get my [email protected] to work for MSN, but right now it's being crap...
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