job offer no pay

hello i am offering a job but no pay what i am looking for is someone to help me and 4 freinds create our game 1 of my freinds is already coding and he has decided if he will get no help he is just going to stop the game is going to be a farming simulation using models made in ac3d which i make all the models mostly so if you are intrested in helping us making our farm simulator then please email me or even better add me on msn ([email protected])
I may enjoy helping, I don't have msn. I'm not that great of a programmer, I started programming in C++ and somewhat in Java but I'm good at identifying what needs to be known in order to do a task and I will learn whatever that may be. I'm not sure if I could be of help maybe if your coding friend emailed and told me what hes working in/with, what he has coded already and some ideas he has, I'll be able to understand better. My email is [email protected]
I am also willing to help you people on C++. You can reach me [email protected]
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