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  • >>>LOOKING for C++ Game Developers (PAID

>>>LOOKING for C++ Game Developers (PAID)<<<

Hello! I represent a game studio in the process of looking for C++ programmers. Our next game a 3D MMO RPG requires some special features and thus requires good C++ developers. This job is paid, and we are accepting quotes of $30 or less an hour at the moment. Please apply at: [email protected]
We are in the current process of getting ready for our first MMO. We are planning on developing a "game engine" to be used for our future games if possible. We are not trying to re-create Unreal Engine, but rather implement features that we find very important. Thank you for your time, - Jack (lead 3D Artist/Executive)
The business world moves fast, and it's been over a month. I'm curious if you are still looking? What prior projects have you done?
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