Senior C++ Developer

Senior C Developer / C++ Developer - Hampshire, UK

All suitable candidates must be eligable to undergo security clearance

You will be performing software development throughout the entire lifecycle from inception, design, code, test and into support.

Depending on the size of task you may be required to work alone, as part of a small development team or as the leader of such a team.
The role reports to a Team Leader or, if leading a team, to the Project Development Coordinator.

You will be required to complete assigned tasks within an agreed schedule and budget and to a specified level of quality. You will also be required to provide regular progress reports and to highlight issues and risks as they become apparent.

The role is likely to involve interaction with clients and provision of support to technical meetings.

Essential Skills

C / C++
UNIX / Linux
Good Documentation Skills
Good Communication / Meeting Skills

Desirable Skills
ClearCase / ClearQuest
Motif / GUI Design
Event Programming, e.g. X-Windows
Database Develpment
Ingres DBMS
Ability to mentor and coach junior developers
Team Leading

More detailed job specification and project information available.

Please contact me at [email protected] or on 01442 265 600
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