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C++ developers team is looking for projects


C++ developers team is looking for interesting projects of any complexity.

More than 10 years experience in development of desktop applications, server solutions, libraries, applications for devices/electronics control and a number of others, makes sure that your project will be done qualitatively and in time.

Vast experience of cross-platform development for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, using SQLite, Oracle, PostgreSQL databases .
We also specialize on development of a binding to other languages using Java/jni, C + + / CLI, C# pinvoke technologies

We work with agile methodologies (Scrum) that makes development process clear and convenient for the customer. While in the development process we demonstrate intermediate versions of the software product using testing platforms that imitate real conditions

Сontact us on [email protected] We will be glad to develop for you a useful and qualitative product.
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