
Hi, I'm starting my career as a leader and want you to help me. I will find work for you and you will get between 80-90% of the profits. You will be able to say no to the offer if you get to little money. (Cant always give you 80-90% depending on costs and if you work with others). If your interested give me your email or skype so we can talk more.
Hello, please contact me on [email protected]. Thank you.
My email is [email protected]
Skype id is abdullah.coder
I've sent both of you emails
Hello, please can you contact me at [email protected]. Thanks a lot
Hello, please contact me on [email protected]. Thank you.
Email [email protected]

Skype Mark.vosgueritchian
Hi I would like more information about this. [email protected]
Hello, My brother looking for a job, He would like to work as a IT specialist programmer or graphic, He moved from krakow to Berlin.
He's last wor was here
Last edited on
Hello, contact me [email protected]. Thanks a lot
you can also contact with me via skype which is ""
i will be available in two weeks.
contact me on [email protected].
I'm always available, looking forward to hear from you.
Hi, I would like to know more about the job.
Please contact me on [email protected], thanks
Please contact me on my email : [email protected] or skype : sanjeev.kumar9152

Thanks ,
Hello, I am very interested in your job offering. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] I hope that we can work together in the future.

Hector Espinoza
[email protected]
Khan is ready for job.
What the range of this job offer? Any specific requirement?
I'm interested for this
[email protected]
Hi i'm interested
[email protected]
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