Looking for an ARM firmware developer (C++)
Must have strong C++ skills
Experience with ARM platform and resource constrained processors (TI CC3200 MCU)
Familiarity with TI’s CCS and CC toolkit / SDK
Experience debugging embedded systems where step debugging may not be available.
Familiarity with VoIP / SIP stacks and technology (e.g. RTSP, H.264, G.7xx, etc)
Experience in WiFi solutions a plus
Other skills requirements
Android development a plus
Ability to prioritize and concurrently service multiple projects
Must be able to come into office but open to a partial work-from-home arrangement.
Must have strong written and verbal communication skills detail
Must be persistent, possess strong problem-solving skills, and be willing to work with others to find solutions that avoid project stalls
Must be responsible, self-motivated, creative, have a solid work ethic and have a desire to produce a quality product
Must have the ability to work in a fast moving environment
Must possess a strong team orientation
Dear Sir / Madam,
Please send me a private e-mail([email protected]), for a copy of my CV, for your kind consideration. I feel I would be an excellent candidate for your above vacancy as it closely matches my skills and experience. I look forward to hearing from you.