Free tutor?

Hi I am currently in my first C++ programming class, and I am struggling a bit. I was wondering if there was anyone who would be willing to give me their email so I can show them my assignment and ask specific questions for free. I don't need solutions but I usually have a whole bunch of questions about whether I am allowed to do this or that in C++. And sometimes I get stuck and just need something to help me move on. Thanks in advance!
Sure. PM me your Skype or Email. Whatever you prefer.
can I PM you too @TarikNeaj??? I always get doubts...
If you can or can not pm me, that is something only you can answer. Now whether or not I will respond, is a different question.

Yeh man, Go ahead :p Just know that Im not even close to being as good as other people here, Ive only been studying for about 4 months. But I try to help where I can.
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Ha ha... thanxx :D
I am willing to help your guys too. I help my friends with their intro level c++ and java programming.
@a3625799132 hey was wondering if you could help me out please?
any chance I could get some help also?
I'd be happy to help. I'm by no means professional and I've got quite a few exams over the next week, but after than I'm free. I have been programming in C++ for 5 years and tend to help with teaching programming at my school so if you have a problem just PM me.
Hey guys. I'd love to help out fellow programmers. PM me anytime and we can help each other out. ;)
Same goes for me, I know I'm a bit late to this thread but I will still help!
i'm available for anyquestion about programming that i know!
you can contact me with both skype and email:
skype: amir.ramezani1370
email: [email protected]
closed account (Nv48AqkS)
same with me any C ++ help needed contact me
email: [email protected]
I wish this programming club thing would get a sticky at some point this has been asked hundreds of times...
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