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C++ Developer - High Frequency Prop Firm - San Francisco

We are a venture backed, start up, prop firm and focus on high frequency algorithmic trading and low latency infrastructure. The role will involve joining a collaborative team and working on software engineering, data science and development of high performance, low latency C++ applications.


Experience designing open source software
Passionate about C++
Familiar with STL and Boost
Experience with Python
Team player
Previous intern experience from a high frequency shop e.g. HRT, Teza, Citadel, DE Shaw, KCG, Jump Trading, Jane Street or similar.
CS Graduate from a top school with a GPA of 3.7+

Compensation - $150-$200k range.

Apply to [email protected]
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Hi, what follows is my generic intro (and we all know everything generic is good :) In addition, I spent many years working at various Wall Street firms in NYC. If you find my background interesting, would love to connect. Thanks.


John Gilson
San Francisco, CA, 415.418.8704 (mobile), [email protected]

Allow me to give a basic rundown of skills, experiences, interests and current status. I’ve spent the past 20+ years as a hands-on hard-core senior/lead software engineer and architect, i.e., designing and writing code close to 100% of the time. Two broad areas of technical interest and experience are C++ software development and working with “big data” using both SQL and not. Among my skills and experiences:

• Expert C++ knowledge (20 years and current) with a strong background in both object-oriented programming and generic programming/template techniques. A heavy user of the STL and Boost libraries and familiar with most of the new features of the recently-approved C++ Standard, C++11. Excellent programming aesthetic in the language and deep understanding of practical trade-offs. If you need a C++ expert for new design and development or other project assistance, this is one of my strong suits.
• Significant experience with core Java including integration of C++ and Java code within the same process using JNI.
• Expert SQL knowledge including being named by Microsoft a SQL Server Most Valuable Professional (MVP) from 2003-2005 and acknowledged contributions in four of noted database author Joe Celko’s SQL books: Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties, 2nd Edition (pp 161, 172), SQL for Smarties, 4th Edition (pp 615, 658), Thinking In Sets (p 276) and SQL Puzzles and Answers, 2nd Edition (p 215). Have also posted answers to many hundreds of challenging SQL questions, usually requiring sophisticated code, on various Usenet database groups.
• Very interested and experienced in efficient large-scale data processing in SQL DBMSs, specifically, MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server. Recently designed and implemented using MySQL an innovative high-performance data warehouse at a startup hedge fund to allow for the storage, querying and analytic calculations (for example, intra-day and inter-day returns) on large-scale historical stock data.
• Strong background in Linux and with TCP/IP client/server and multithreaded programming. Also, knowledgeable of actor programming in Erlang and with the join calculus.
• Very experienced with functional programming having programmed in Scheme and Common Lisp since the 1980s, modest familiarity with Haskell.
• Very knowledgeable of, and interested in, programming languages in general and their implementations, especially declarative domain-specific languages (DSLs).
• Very solid foundational computer science knowledge with a BS in Computer Science and Engineering from MIT (1989).
• Extremely creative software designer and implementer with strengths in both the engineering and art of large-scale software building.
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills with ability and desire to mentor and offer technical leadership both in design and programming contexts. Also, able to teach training courses or give presentations on any familiar technical subjects.

I currently live in San Francisco, CA with my wife and two daughters.

So, what would interest me professionally? A challenging large-scale significant design and development opportunity that I can take ownership of (no cog-in-the-machine type stuff; the character of the work trumps all else, including salary). I look for new software development, not tinkering with others’ code, something big and meaty that someone clearly needs to have done to meet their business needs and that requires real brainpower to accomplish. In a nutshell, a lead software engineering position doing challenging brand new design and development in an environment where superior technical solutions are required and rewarded.
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