2D MORPG - Severed World

Project Summary

Severed World is a hack'n'slash 2D ORPG with a linear, quest heavy world. Players travel through regions based on various cultures, from Medieval Europe to Feudal Asia, completing dungeons that depict classical fairy tales of the land.

... Rescue the town's children kidnapped by the Pide Piper and his army of giant rats. Join with Thor in slaying the ice giants. Journey into the underworld with Izanagi to rescue Izanami...

The world itself is intended to be light hearted and colourful, with the art style playing towards that. The plants walk about and most animals are capable of speech- an Alice in Wonderland sort of setup.

Here are mockups of the art:


Job Specification

-- Able to communicate via IM on Skype.
-- Projects to show, even if they're small games.
-- Polite & easy to speak to.
-- Truthful & direct regarding hurdles / worries.

This is a paid position but is aimed towards hobbyists- our budget certainly can't afford a full-time programmer and we're looking for someone who has the experience, time, and drive to make a fun game.

If this is you and you're interested or have questions to ask, please get in contact on either of the following:

E-mail: [email protected]
skype SN: askypetochatandstuff
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