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  • CGC Project Looking for developers

CGC Project Looking for developers

Hi, I'm looking to get a team together to build the CGC project.

CGC is a Competitive Gaming Community that allows on-line gamers to arrange matches versus one another and place a bet of play chips.

The desktop application will then rank players on the number of chips they can earn.

Below is a link to the design documentation and shows screenshots of the program.


I've decided to make this using C++ and the Qt framework. We've decided to move away from making this a web application for several reasons one we believe this to be more popular as a desktop application that is like steam or the lol game client.

Velow is a link to the functionality specification and also a template of all the features included in the desktop application.



I have a budget of £3,000 but will be offering to give out equity to the development team. Therefore I think it would be suitable to post an estimate of how much money this project can generate so below is an estimated forecast for how much money can be made.


Thanks for checking out the CGC Project and if you have any questions contact me at

[email protected]

or Skype:




I am interested in the same, Can you please contact me at [email protected]

Ritesh Vaswani
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