$20 - C++ program for beginner

I need solution for the problem below for my review class. I need explanation for each step so that I can study for my final. Please do not write advance code because I am just a beginner and I need to learn. I think the job will take about thirty minuets or less. If you are interested, please contact me at this email address : [email protected]

The payment will be sent through Paypal only. First comes first serve.

Write a program to perform the following:

1. Open a file (input.dat) to read the elements of a 3 X 3 matrix and save them into a two-dimensional array,
2. Call a user-defined function to find the average of each row using pointer notations and print the result inside this function into another file (output.dat).
3. Call another user-defined function to print only the diagonal numbers and print the results on the monitor.
Maximum points will be given if you use pointer notation.

Input Matrix Average

1 4 7 = 4
2 5 8 = 5
3 0 4 = 2.33

The diagonal values are: 1 5 4
Hi, im interested, i have 8 years experience in C++, contact me:
[email protected]

i hope
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