Mentor Needed

I live in the pacific northwest. I am teaching myself C++. I would really appreciate it if someone(s) out there might be able to share some insight into a career related to programming (what I need to learn, how I can network, etc.) I currently am employed, I have a degree in an unrelated field. I am teaching myself programming so I can change careers. I am learning C++ because it is an interesting challenge, and it is the Latin of programming languages. My hope here is that when I begin to learn other programming languages, they will be easier to learn because everything seems to be based in some way on C++.

I might be able to help you.

Email me at: [email protected]

Also, are you looking for a mentor in C++? I was a bit confused by your post.
Nevertheless, I will still try to help you.
ddrake44 wrote:

My hope here is that when I begin to learn other programming languages, they will be easier to learn because everything seems to be based in some way on C++.

Actually not quite. Every programming language has different techniques of code implementation. In C/C++, source codes are 'compiled' and in languages like Python, source codes are 'interpreted'. So all languages are not based upon each other fully ( Also, in C++, a lot of theory is used even before we get into code. So, as you are already learning C++, it'll no doubr make easier for you to pick up other languages upto some extent since theoretical models of class, function, variable, etc are same in every language. Only language syntax varies.

All the best sir!
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Even though C++ is quite popular, don't just study that. Java is also quite popular nowadays. It would help to learn multiple programming languages like Java, C# and C++ as well as web-based languages like JavaScript, Html, etc....

If you're a newer programmer and want to start out, your best option would be to look for a code analyst job. What you do is you analyze other people's code and look for bugs, etc...

I hope this helps somehow.

closed account (N36fSL3A)
Even though C++ is quite popular, don't just study that
It's never enough to learn just one language. Even though C++ is a good choice for your first language, it's not a good thing to just stop there. Other languages like Java and C# are used extensively as well. In fact, some schools prefer to teach Java before letting you learn C++.

The site here shows the most popular languages:

All programming languages have their own strengths and specialties.


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Actually not quite. Every programming language has different techniques of code implementation. In C/C++, source codes are 'compiled' and in languages like Python, source codes are 'interpreted'.
no... there are python compilers and c++ interpreters. the difference is which is widely used
also, if you need help, send me a pm and ill pm you my email
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Oh, I read that wrong. I thought you said "Don't learn C++", my mistake.
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