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C++ Developer for top company in Berlin. Visa sponsorship!

C++ Developer for top company in Berlin. Visa sponsorship!

Our client, a spin-off of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute for IT-systems engineering, develops solutions and products that support software-developing companies
in optimizing their software development processes. The portfolio of our client addresses both the development-managers and the developers.
The decision-makers are provided with transparency about the risks within their software development projects. Development and testing efforts
#can effectively be focused onto those areas in the code that slow down the development and increase bug-risks due to a low code quality.
For the software developers, the solutions of our client provide novel tracing tools that enable the developers to perform debugging, performance-tuning,
and runtime understanding in general in a more efficient way. Our client closely cooperates with the Hasso-Plattner-Institute – the German academic excellence
center for IT-systems engineering. This way, the latest research results from academia are incorporated into the solutions of our client.
All solutions and products of our client are seamlessly integrated into the existing tool landscape of the customers and therefore present optimal extensions
to the customers’ workflows.

Your Job:
• Prototyping and implementing software modules.
• Evaluation and integration of new technologies.
• Collaboration with the product management.
• Code reviews in collaboration with the development team.
• Professional environment with space for creativity, fun, and influence on decisions.

Your main task is to systematically develop our products. You are responsible for the implementation of market-targeting, goal-oriented development
activities within our product team.

Your Profile:

Necessary Requirements:
• Completed studies (B.Sc., M.Sc., or the German Diploma) in computer science, IT-Systems Engineering, or a comparable subject of studies.
• Several years of experience in developing applications in C++.
• Good knowledge about Qt (e.g., Qt's Model View architecture, Qt's Graphics View framework, Qt's container classes).
• Experiences with object-oriented design patterns.

Desirable Requirements:
• Development experience on the Windows platform with Microsoft Visual Studio C++.
• Experiences in the creation of unit tests.

Additionally Favorable:
• Experiences in OpenGL development.
• Basic knowledge about 3D computer graphics.
• Development experiences on the Linux platform.

What we offer:
We offer a responsible and exciting job with an international scope at a company that significantly drives the technological evolution of software development.
In a highly motivated team and a unique working atmosphere, you can show your talents to their fullest advantage. Furthermore, we offer an attractive source of
income and very good opportunities for your personal development as part of a quickly growing company being embedded in the research landscape of the capital Berlin.

• Self-organized working during the daily core work time.
• Appropriate salary and bonus arrangement coupled to personal goals.
• Research collaboration with the Hasso-Plattner-Institute for IT-Systems Engineering.
• Software development based on the latest research in the areas of information visualization, data mining, and programming languages.
• Excellent and motivated team.
• Attractive salary package.
• Working with the latest software and hardware.

Please send a CV that best represents yours skills and experience together with your salary expectation to [email protected]
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