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  • Recruiting for Commercial GPLv3 game pro

Recruiting for Commercial GPLv3 game project (beginners welcome)

Game project name: Gallica
2D game
Genre: Action
License: GPL v3
Budget: None
Deadline: Half done by next year
Platform: Cross-platform

This game will be sold at a price for project funding purpose, and it will still stick to the license's rules.

Monthly revenue allocation:
10% Donation to charity
10% Donation to Free Software Foundation
30% Saving for future uses
50% Salary for development team members

I am currently recruiting a programmer with the following:
- Any age above 12
- Any level of skill above newbie (beginner)
- If you are above 18, be sure to have your own Paypal account to get your salary after the first monthly revenue comes in, if you want to be paid

Game project details:
- Fast-paced top-down action game
- Main idea is to run from the enemy and use the speed to your advantage to destroy any bosses
- Have a storyline, with few cutscenes
- Not too complex game project, only the variety of enemies and boss fights
- Have a plan to port over to mobiles and consoles
- Full commercial game, but keeping true to the idea of free software. Free as in freedom, not free as in free beer

If you are interested, please send me an email over to [email protected]
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