Looking for Tutor

Right now I'm just looking for someone who can help me with my school work so I can pass my classes and learn to code. I'm not looking for someone to do my code for me, but I'm looking for someone to show me the ropes so I can learn and get my stuff done. I'm not looking for a whole lot, maybe a couple hours for whenever you are free. I don't need help every day so I'm not asking for a lot.

Unfortunately I won't be able to pay you anything. So this is a volunteer job. All I can offer is my gratitude and friendship. I'm sorry. I would like to do this on Skype (calls not required, we can just IM).

Please respond if you are willing to help me. Thanks in advance.
If you're still looking for help, I'd be happy to help you out. I graduated in 2009 with a degree in Computer Science so school is still relatively fresh in my mind; and I've been programming in C++ for years.
Electronic engineer..good command on c++ and logic designing..If you are interested,,contact me at [email protected]..
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