Here is the scenario i assume:
U have a parking lot of fixed size say 30.(consider as queue of size 30.)
At a random period of time say some 5 cars arrive at parking lot(an array of 5 input elements.)
Then first, the vip cars are allowed to enter the parking lot.(say some 3 elemnts of array based on another array containing their priority value.).If still the parking lot(queue) is empty then remaining cars are allowed to enter based on their level of priority.If two cars or elements have same priority, first come first serve principle is followed.
Data structures needed:
1. A queue of pre defined size, represents parking lot:use stl queue
2.Two arrays, one array represents car, one array their priority.
3.If queue is empty, choose the element from array with highest priority value.
4.Insert it at end of queue.
5.Display that parking lot is full, if the queue is full
6.repeat step 2,3,4 when a new car input arrives.
7. provide an option for user to remove cars(pop elemnts from queue.)
Look at the following for queue operations: