Dectection and Generation of Barcodes using C++

i have this assignment to submit as a mini project, im ready to pay a few $$$ to get a c++ programmer to write a simple programme that can generate and detect bar codes,

Should be ready to explain in details and all the source code.

Feel free to email me with your charge : [email protected]
Why not just do your own homework and actually learn something?
I presume you are actually paying money to get an education?

Barcodes are not a simple subject. Here's some links in Tcl to help you get started.
thanks for your message, im paying money because it is a project for my NGO.....
if you can write a simple programme on barcodes generation and detection please let mi know.. Regards
I'm not sure I could do any better than the existing software available through the links I gave you...

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
I think first need a software library that can do barcode scanning. That is the library must work with the barcode scanner to retrieve "data" the scanner "read". If I'm not wrong most barcode scanners manufacturers that sell barcode scanners also provide C/C++ or even Java library so programmers can interface their program to the library to extract "data".

I wonder if there are any Open Source barcode scanner libraries?
@phujo since this is a job, maybe you should post it in the Jobs section?

Oh, you did:
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