Have gcc i.e. GNU c++ compiler ignore shebang

This error urges act on how to make GNU c++ ignore shebang:

m.cpp:1:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #!
    1 | #!/usr/bin/vim 
Please do favour solve it. thanks much
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Maybe do chmod +x m.cpp and have the first line read
//usr/bin/env vim "$0"
I am unsure why you have this obsession with doing weird things to C++ code.

You have been advised many times to either get yourself a more powerful preprocessor or write your own program to translate between the weird C++ variants you want and C++ you can actually compile.

All the strange things you are trying to do can be fixed by doing just that.

In this case, I cannot fathom why you have a C++ source file (designed to be fed into a compiler) with a shebang directive indicating it is actually an executable file loading itself into VIM. Those are orthogonal objectives. The latter objective is just plain odd.
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