Line 6: Get rid of <conio.h>. It's not a standard header.
Lines 8-13: Globals should be avoided.
Line 26: displayboard() leaves a lot to be desired in displaying a checkerboard.
Line 136: C++ does not support implied left hand side in conditionals. You must fully specify the conditions.
Example: if (ans == 'Y' || 'y') evaluates as if ((ans == 'Y') || ('y'))
('y') always evaluates to 1 (true), therefore the if statement is always true.
Lines 137, 140, 217: player2 = 'b' || 'B'; Will assign 1 player2.
('b' || 'B') is evaluated first, The result is true.
Line 281: Extraneous semicolon. No statements executes as a result of the conditional.
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It makes it easier to read your code and also easier to respond to your post.
Hint: You can edit your post, highlight your code and press the <> formatting button.
moving a piece is going to be a multi part thing. you need to erase it at the old location, erase any enemy that were jumped (could be many), and draw it at its final location, and it could even involve a convoluted jump, kinged, jump back out scenario where you draw it kinged but it was basic before.
I would start simple, then. First try to erase and redraw to indicate a normal move (eg first move made in a new game).
you avoid globals because complicated code of many files and many pages will eventually confuse even the best coder, and you will inadvertently forget what function changed the variable last, and whether its current value is valid, or you will forget and make a local with the same name, or you wlll try to reuse a function that uses a global and the new code is using that global name differently or not at all and it does not work out of the box ... to list just a few of the more common problems they create. In the math sense, constants are not variables, and global 'constants' are more acceptable (though a namespace or enum or other wrapper is considered far better than just out there unqualified). On top of this if you want to code as a career, you will be expected to not use them at most workplaces, so you may as well forget they exist.