First off, you need to get rid of the compilation errors.
Lines 2, 4: You should have no need for C headers in a C++ program.
Lines 33-36: No need to initialize strings. Their constructors will initialize them to an empty string.
Lines 41-71: It's a poor habit to name your arguments the same as your class members.
Line 102: What's the purpose of having unnamed arguments?
Lines 104-108: Each call to Book2's constructor wipes out what was set by the previous call.
Line 333: You declare driver as a local variable in main.
Line 114: This instance of driver overrides the variable you declared at line 333.
Lines 116-120: Each call to Book2's constructor wipes out what was set by the previous call.
Lines 123-128: Your arguments do not exist. Your getters take no arguments.
Line 154: You call New_Book(). Line 175: New_Book() declares another instance of driver which overrides the instance in the calling function.
Lines 176-188: Why are these arrays?
Line 216-220: Each iteration through the loop wipes out the previous values.
Line 226: The local instance of driver goes out of scope losing the last set of values you stores in it.
Line 227: Delete_Book() has the same problems.
You need to go back and study arrays, passing arguments.
You have been asked multiple times to use code tags. PLEASE DO SO.
Hint: You can edit your post, highlight your code and press the <> formatting button.
If you're not going to make the slightest bit of effort to make your posts readable, why should we spend the slightest bit of effort helping you?