I am running a Monte Carlo simulation of a polymer. The entire configuration of the current state of the system is given by the object called
. This is my definition of
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class Grid{
std::vector <Polymer> PolymersInGrid; // all the polymers in the grid
int x; // length of x-edge of grid
int y; // length of y-edge of grid
int z; // length of z-edge of grid
double kT; // energy factor
double Emm_n ; // monomer-solvent when Not aligned
double Emm_a ; // monomer-solvent when Aligned
double Ems; // monomer-solvent interaction
double Energy; // energy of grid
std::map <std::vector <int>, Particle> OccupancyMap; // a map that gives the particle given the location
Grid(int xlen, int ylen, int zlen, double kT_, double Emm_a_, double Emm_n_, double Ems_): x (xlen), y (ylen), z (zlen), kT (kT_),
Emm_n(Emm_n_), Emm_a (Emm_a_), Ems (Ems_) { // Constructor of class
// this->instantiateOccupancyMap();
// Destructor of class
// assignment operator that allows for a correct transfer of properties. Important to functioning of program.
Grid& operator=(Grid other){
std::swap(PolymersInGrid, other.PolymersInGrid);
std::swap(Energy, other.Energy);
std::swap(OccupancyMap, other.OccupancyMap);
return *this;
I can go into the details of the object Polymer and Particle, if required.
In my driver code, this is what I am going:
Define maximum number of iterations.
1. Defining a complete Grid
2. Creating a copy of
3. I am perturbing the configuration of
4. If the perturbance on
is accepted per the Metropolis criterion, I assign
5. Repeat steps 1-4 until maximum number of iterations is achieved.
This is my driver code:
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auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
Grid G_ (G);
int acceptance_count = 0;
for (int i{1}; i< (Nmov+1); i++){
// choose a move
G_ = MoveChooser(G, v);
if ( MetropolisAcceptance (G.Energy, G_.Energy, G.kT) ) {
// accepted
// replace old config with new config
std::cout << "Number of acceptances is " << acceptance_count << std::endl;
G = G_;
else {
// continue;
if (i % dfreq == 0){
G.dumpPositionsOfPolymers (i, dfile) ;
G.dumpEnergyOfGrid(i, efile, call) ;
// G.PolymersInGrid.at(0).printChainCoords();
auto stop = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds> (stop-start);
std::cout << "\n\nTime taken for simulation: " << duration.count() << " milliseconds" << std::endl;
This is the interesting part: if I run the simulation using condition that do not have lots of "acceptances" (low temperatures, bad solvent), the simulation runs pretty fast. However, if there are a large number of acceptances, the simulation gets incredibly slow. **My hypothesis is that my assignment operator = is slowing down my simulation.**
I ran some tests:
number of acceptances = 25365, wall-clock time = 717770 milliseconds (!)
number of acceptances = 2165, wall-clock time = 64412 milliseconds
number of acceptances = 3000, wall-clock time = 75550 milliseconds
And the trend continues.
Could anyone advise me on how to possibly make this more efficient? Is there a way to bypass the slowdown I am experiencing, I think, due to the = operator?
I would really appreciate any advice you have for me!