Hi i want use a c# dll in my c++ dll
I create a class library and add the dll to refrence and use from base code:
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extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) char* SomeFunction()
System::String ^str = MyNamespace::MyClass::MyMethod();
char* chp = (char*)(void*)System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(str);
return chp;
My dll have 4 parameter ,i tryed to set parameters but i dont know i display the error in each try...
I have error to this line
System::String ^str = MyNamespace::MyClass::MyMethod();
how can set the #4 string parameter to this line of code?
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this is the my errors with i see compile codes:
i do not know how can set the parameters
i tryed but not work
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extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) char* FTPMakeDir(string ServerAddress, string ServerDIR, string FTPUsername, string FTPPassword)
System::String ^str = FTPCityToolkit::FTPCityToolkitClass::FTPMakeDir(ServerAddress, ServerDIR, FTPUsername, FTPPassword);
char* chp = (char*)(void*)System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(str);
return chp;
how can set the FTPCityToolkit::FTPCityToolkitClass::FTPMakeDir argument list?
the errors:
function "FTPCityToolkit::FTPCityToolkitClass::FTPMakeDir" cannot be called with the given argument list
Error C2664 'System::String ^FTPCityToolkit::FTPCityToolkitClass::FTPMakeDir(System::String ^,System::String ^,System::String ^,System::String ^)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'std::string' to 'System::String ^'
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