HELP reading txt file

Below is a snippet of my code:

int counter = 0;

in >> dataFile;
cout << dataFile;

ifstream dataFile;

readData( in, ISO, ISO3, ISO_Numeric, fips, Country, Capital, Area, Population, Continent, tld, CurrencyCode, CurrencyName, Phone, PostalCodeFormat, PostalCodeRegex, Languages, geonameid, neighbors, EquivalentFipsCode );

I am trying to read the variable dataFile which is storing "countryInfo.txt".

ifstream dataFile; is not working, neither is anything else I have tried.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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ifstream is a type, so you need to create a variable of that type and then use dataFile to open the stream.

ifstream fin(dataFile);

// OR
ifstream fin;;

fin is an arbitrary name but I think of it as f(ile)in as opposed to c(onsole)in. You should also verify that the file was opened properly with an if statement or assert().
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