Hello everyone! I have a question. I have code for LED stripes and I want to make i trick with power. When I turn On power (5 Volts) I want to see working first array, when i turn another 5 Volts I want to see another array.
you have 2 voltages, right?
Is it like this:
- if you turn 1 of them on you want to have the leftLeds if you turn both on you want to have the rightLeds?
Sorry for bad explanation. I ll describe everithing clearly.
I have two led stripe. On the left and right sides. My goal is to control both of them with two buttons. On each button current 5 Volts. When button one is ON, I need left stripe ON. When second button ON, i need right stripe ON. When both buttons are off, I need two stripes working with one function.
I was thinking how to make it correctly and i have an idea. When button for left stripe is ON, i need one of the pins on ATmega (arduino) recognize, that power is ON. And etc...
I dont know how to write is in the code. If you know how to do this or yuo can make it with explanation, please, help. Basicly its a project and If you are intrested, text me email: [email protected] I ll pay for help. Thank you!
When button one is ON, I need left stripe ON. When second button ON, i need right stripe ON. When both buttons are off, I need two stripes working with one function.
That's all you need to know, just check the digital input of both buttons and then do it accordingly