Looking for partners in game development

Hi there! I'm currently developping a very simple text based MMO-RTS and I'm looking for someone who would be interested in participating in its development, to discuss ideas and cooperate in making it awesome.

To be clear, the game is simple in its interface, but for the rest, the sky is the limit!

Reply if you're interested,
i'm interested. but can you say what is the required knowledge? because after then i can assure that i am helpful to you.
Sounds fun, I'm making a text based adventure RPG as of now!
Hey man, I'm interested too I had been working on my own text game RPG as well. Just would like to know if you will be using any libraries outside of the normal C++ standard and what kind of interface you will be using, will it be done through windows Console?

Pm me.

I'm using the libws2_32.a (winsock2.lib) file for networking using winsock... but I've done the client/server part already, that's what the game is based on. The server waits for requests from clients to send info or update the database about what's going on... I'll try to comment the source code and I'll send it to you.

The rest are menus in the console yes. That's where I'm at... :-)
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hmm you don't seem to accept private messages... do you have an email address I could send the file to?

Nice website!
@Prabhat Routray

Hi there I sent you a private message did you get it? Get back to me when you get the chance, if you're still interested! Here's my email address :

[email protected]

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