Hello everybody, i need help on a binary tree am working on. The program should read a list of keys from a data file and insert the keys into an initially
empty tree in the order listed in the data file. The insert function should not allow duplicate key insertions. The function should print an error message if a duplicate key is found. The program
constructs a tree, traverses the tree and also display the height. the problem should also display a back slash if the tree is null or if any of the node is, my question is, where do i put the slashes in the code that i have displayed below
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
using namespace std;
template <class Type>
struct NodeType {
Type key;
NodeType<Type> *lptr;
NodeType<Type> *rptr;
template <class Type>
class BST {// Binary search tree
void insert(Type x);
void traverse ();
int height()const;
NodeType<Type> *insert(Type x, NodeType<Type> *rot);
void traverse (NodeType<Type> *root);
int height(NodeType<Type> *root)const;
int max(int x, int y)const;
NodeType<Type> *root;
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
usingnamespace std;
template < class Type > struct NodeType {
Type key;
NodeType < Type > *lptr;
NodeType < Type > *rptr;
template < class Type > class BST { // Binary search tree
void insert(Type x);
void traverse();
int height() const;
NodeType < Type > *insert(Type x, NodeType < Type > *rot);
void traverse(NodeType < Type > *root);
int height(NodeType < Type > *root) const;
int max(int x, int y) const;
NodeType < Type > *root;
template < class Type > BST < Type >::BST()
root = NULL;
template < class Type > void BST < Type >::insert(Type x)
root = insert(x, root);
template < class Type > NodeType < Type > *BST < Type >::insert(Type x, NodeType < Type > *root) // binary tree insert routine
// -- inserts key x into tree pointed to by root
// create new node
NodeType < Type > *n = new NodeType < Type >;
n->key = x;
n->lptr = n->rptr = NULL;
if (root == NULL)
root = n;
else {
NodeType < Type > *curr = root;
NodeType < Type > *prev; // behind curr
while (curr != NULL) { // loop for search process
prev = curr;
if (x < curr->key)
curr = curr->lptr; // go left
curr = curr->rptr; // go right
// insert (connect) new node
if (x < prev->key)
prev->rptr = n;
return root;
template < class Type > void BST < Type >::traverse()
template < class Type > int BST < Type >::height() constconst
return height(root);
template < class Type > int BST < Type >::height(NodeType < Type > *root) constconst
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
elsereturn 1 + max(height(root->lptr), height(root->rptr));
template < class Type > int BST < Type >::max(int x, int y) constconst
if (x >= y)
return x;
elsereturn y;
template < class Type > void BST < Type >::traverse(NodeType < Type > *root) // inorder traversal routine
if (root != NULL) {
cout << root->key << endl; //visit node (print key)
traverse(root->lptr); // traverse left subtree
traverse(root->rptr); // traverse right subtree
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