by dialer
while(argc--,argv++) // c related question
[7 replies] Last: As argv is a memory pointer this is effectively an infinite loop and... (by kigar64551)
by ElusiveTau
Overloading operator<< for template instantiations: CRTP: error C2995: ... function template has already been defined
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the clarification, mbozzi. You're right - I didn't correctl... (by ElusiveTau)
by Atom1
API Entry DllMain
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for the comments. (by Atom1)
SDL generating sound without wav file |
[3 replies] Last: Here's an example that generates a 10-second long wave-file containing... (by mbozzi)
by Ganado
Initialize set based on field within array's class
[7 replies] Last: With C++11 we could already say std::transform(std::begin(bar_arr), s... (by mbozzi)
by Ch1156
Factory Class Pattern
[3 replies] Last: Typically, a factory comes in play when you have inheritance and the o... (by longberns)
by demhat
EOF-unwanted loop!!!
[11 replies] Last: Would have been a better choice. In c for the purpose of array size... (by seeplus)
SDL2 mixer error |
[2 replies] Last: As pointed out before, "error: undefined reference to XYZ" is a lin... (by kigar64551)
by Allaye
cant call a template function with auto return type in main
[6 replies] Last: Putting code tags on the OP's code, as well as a bit of judicious refo... (by deleted account xyzzy)
XAudio2 |
[1 reply] : Sound like a linker error. Probably you did not link the required im... (by kigar64551)
by Jonathan100
codeblocks debugging help
[no replies]