by nvthielen
develop an operating system
[4 replies] Last: From the osdev site above, for OS I can recommend the books by Tanenba... (by seeplus)
by gabzz29
codes infinite loop
[4 replies] Last: Line 205 and 206 in the code above prints the filipino and average gra... (by Peter87)
by Satoshi Yoda
Class with iteration capability like std::map
[12 replies] Last: Referring back to JLBorges's code from above, OP noticed that for( au... (by mbozzi)
by gabzz29
too many arguments in function call
[5 replies] Last: Check your Boolean logic in line 49. That should be &&, not ||. (by AbstractionAnon)
by Bengbers
Is it possible to export a local created pointer?
[8 replies] Last: You should delete the acquire memory in the correct order. Otherwise y... (by coder777)
by ElusiveTau
Should you think of inheritance as composition of base class object?
[9 replies] Last: Thanks for the input, folks. I try to minimize the number of open-ende... (by ElusiveTau)
by anup30
weird program output
[7 replies] Last: I was casually having a look at this question the other day and today ... (by gedamial)
by gabzz29
redeclation even tho ive removed the other
[1 reply] : So what's that string called pass on line 8 doing? (by salem c)
by anup30
are zig & rust 6.5 & 3.7 times faster than C++ respectively? sieve of Eratosthenes (1,2)
[32 replies] Last: [quote=Ganado]Maybe try -O5 You got me! :) I'm used to the Solaris com... (by dhayden)
by hassan236
recursive function
[19 replies] Last: This recursive factorial will run out of stack memory somewhere betwe... (by oggin)
by newbieguy105
Displaying letters slowly on screen. Typing effect?
[7 replies] Last: Keeping things easier for you - a simple function ++ #include <stri... (by Geckoo)
by raefnal
add by 4
[9 replies] Last: This std::chrono thingy is a bit weird. #include <iostream> using na... (by lastchance)
by raefnal
[2 replies] Last: valarray has some tricks that may work for you. it would be alonng th... (by jonnin)