by demhat
function declaration with MACROs
[7 replies] Last: And, for one question within the OP: Yes, there can be more than just ... (by keskiverto)
by PhysicsIsFun
MPI runtime weird example
[1 reply] : its hard to know what is really going on with caches, other processes,... (by jonnin)
by zzzhhh
Why do I have to surround parentheses in this fold expression?
[1 reply] : Because the standard defines a unary left fold expression as: ( ...... (by Peter87)
by salem c
need some help
[11 replies] Last: George, I would avoid directly hyperlinking the profile, if you don't ... (by Ganado)
by colt
Simple tga writer not working correctly.
[3 replies] Last: You might consider finding an already existing 3rd party library and u... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Bengbers
Namespace std not recognized in public API.h for shared library (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: smart pointers are used as an 'owning' pointer. They 'own' the allocat... (by seeplus)
by Jonathan100
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[6 replies] Last: Thanks folks, the error was due to a buffer overflow of char array I ... (by Jonathan100)
by zzzhhh
It is known that we can't initialize rvalue reference with lvalue, but why can function name?
[5 replies] Last: And the standard you cited is two floors above: " (by mbozzi)