by Andy99
Counting loops in switch statement.
[13 replies] Last: Oh okay I overlooked it. Thanks (by Andy99)
by sandbox007
Help with file processing into array
[3 replies] Last: Perhaps something like: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> int... (by seeplus)
by rudiHammad
pointer not assigning value to variable
[4 replies] Last: Great, thank you all for the quick response. All clear now. (by rudiHammad)
by Rich0327
Build issue with C++, Platformio, for Marlin
[4 replies] Last: I'd suggest searching within files to find where values for BOARD_xxxx... (by seeplus)
by AlanHudik
Help me
[10 replies] Last: [quote=AlanHudik]the links you sent in the post are also different tha... (by deleted account xyzzy)
how to create a text cursor in sfml |
[3 replies] Last: sf::Text::findCharacterPos gives you the position of a character. sf... (by Peter87)
by hakanxdurak
Bmp file filter pixel adjusting / C language
[8 replies] Last: Is it possible that the bitmap does not have a BITMAPINFOHEADER but in... (by coder777)
by jNc
how to assign all items in vector std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > test to 0?
[4 replies] Last: std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> test(100, {10, {0, 0}}); You wou... (by mbozzi)
by pnwdino
Struggling to fill then print vector of structs
[7 replies] Last: I would first read each file line and split into a vector of string. T... (by seeplus)
by JamieAl
Element-wise multiplication using Eiegn
[1 reply] : I was able to solve this issue with replacing the last line with: e... (by JamieAl)
by DOOMReboot
Common Documentation Requirements/Standards
[3 replies] Last: Cubbi, kigar64551, thank you both. I will go with doxygen. (by DOOMReboot)
by klebermo
Reading huffman tree from file
[4 replies] Last: Is it relevant where within the tree that character appears? Yes, i... (by klebermo)
by Geckoo
Prime numbers
[8 replies] Last: Yes - but as I said above, this is an in-efficient algorithm. For deal... (by seeplus)
by JamieAl
Error when creating row vector using map in Eigen
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by JamieAl)
by ElusiveTau
How to return the address of a function's static variable?
[3 replies] Last: Could also pass as int*& - ref to int* - which would avoid having to d... (by seeplus)
by copypasta
Basic File Handling - Everything correct?
[7 replies] Last: > My buffer array type is a wchar_t An overload of the file stream c... (by JLBorges)
by Geckoo
Boolean "in-line"
[5 replies] Last: Thank you Peter87 and Keskiverto for your clever explanations. The t... (by Geckoo)
by lewi0027
C++ while loops with strings
[5 replies] Last: Thanks Seeplus for the link about DeMorgan laws. Interesting short rea... (by Geckoo)
by needHelp01
Need to add multiple null values from a binary file to string
[5 replies] Last: Reading a binary .exe file into a std::string like this works OK for m... (by seeplus)
by StevenB98
segmetation fault
[3 replies] Last: How does on_swapLabels_clicked() know what label to swap? If you're... (by kbw)