Beginners - January 2025

by zzzhhh
Should the subscript "opt" be dropped in the definition of "array of N T" in the standard?
This is the definitive syntax of "array of N T" in C++ Standard : D1 [ constant-expression_opt ] ... I think the subs...
[3 replies] Last: Hi Is it because the array bound may be omitted when there are initia... (by TheIdeasMan)
by zzzhhh
Where is const mandated in the Standard when binding an lvalue reference to an rvalue?
I'm reading the part of the Standard about initializing an lvalue reference from an rvalue ( ). I know a reference to co...
[1 reply] : I don't think I've ever actually read the standard in over 30 years of... (by seeplus)
by zzzhhh
Which item stipulates that A() is a prvalue?
class A { ... }; A(); This webpage lists all possible forms of prvalue expressions:
[2 replies] Last: I believe that A() is a function-style cast expression and is covered ... (by mbozzi)
  Archived months: [dec2024]

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