1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
constexpr double PI = 3.141592653589793; // some useful constants
constexpr double eps = 1e-12;
class PROBLEM {
/* In case one wants to change the problem to something else, eg. harmonic oscillator:
The samplers require a "compute_force" function as well as the vectors "parameters", "velocities", and "forces"
storing the corresponding quantities. */
// parameters, velocities, forces
std:: vector <double> parameters {1,0}; // CARE! THE SAMPLERS REQUIRE THIS VECTOR
std:: vector <double> velocities {0,0}; // CARE! THE SAMPLERS REQUIRE THIS VECTOR
std:: vector <double> forces {0,0}; // CARE! THE SAMPLERS REQUIRE THIS VECTOR
// fill force vector
It needs to be written by the user. */
double x = parameters[0]; // current parameters (positions)
double y = parameters[1];
double e1, e2, rho; // some help constants
double x_mu_diff1 = x-mu1[0];
double x_mu_diff2 = x-mu2[0];
double y_mu_diff1 = y-mu1[1];
double y_mu_diff2 = y-mu2[1];
// the exponentials
e1 = exp( -inv_two_det_SIG1 * ( SIG1[2]*x_mu_diff1*x_mu_diff1 - 2*SIG1[1]*x_mu_diff1*y_mu_diff1 + SIG1[0]*y_mu_diff1*y_mu_diff1 ) );
e2 = exp( -inv_two_det_SIG2 * ( SIG2[2]*x_mu_diff2*x_mu_diff2 - 2*SIG2[1]*x_mu_diff2*y_mu_diff2 + SIG2[0]*y_mu_diff2*y_mu_diff2 ) );
rho = pref1 * det1 * e1 + pref2 * det2 * e2; // the density
//force part without noise, i.e. double well
forces[0] = -1/rho * ( pref1 * e1 * (SIG1[2]*x_mu_diff1 - SIG1[1]*y_mu_diff1) + pref2 * e2 * (SIG2[2]*x_mu_diff2 - SIG2[1]*y_mu_diff2) );
forces[1] = -1/rho * ( pref1 * e1 * (-SIG1[1]*x_mu_diff1 + SIG1[0]*y_mu_diff1) + pref2 * e2 * (-SIG2[1]*x_mu_diff2 + SIG2[0]*y_mu_diff2) );
// if(sig!=0){
// normal_distribution<> normal{0,sig}; // add noise
// F.fx += normal(twister);
// F.fy += normal(twister);
// }
// constants that define the potential
const std:: vector <double> mu1 {1, 0}; // (x,y) of the first well
const std:: vector <double> mu2 {-1, 0}; // (x,y) of the second well
const std:: vector <double> SIG1 {0.6, 0.085, 0.02}; // elements of the two covariance matrices sig11, sig12, sig22 (note: sig12=sig21)
const std:: vector <double> SIG2 {0.6, 0.085, 0.02};
const double phi1 = 0.5; // mixing factor (phi2 = 1-phi1)
// constants used by the force computation
const double det1 = SIG1[0]*SIG1[2] - SIG1[1]*SIG1[1]; // determinants of cov. matrices
const double det2 = SIG2[0]*SIG2[2] - SIG2[1]*SIG2[1];
const double inv_two_det_SIG1 = 1 / (2*det1) ; // used in the exponents in the force
const double inv_two_det_SIG2 = 1 / (2*det2) ;
const double pref1 = phi1 / ( 2*PI*pow( det1, 1.5) ); // prefactors in the force
const double pref2 = (1-phi1) / ( 2*PI*pow( det2, 1.5) );
class measurement{
/* The measurement class that defines what quantities are collected by the samplers, how they are computed, and
printed to a file. This class needs to be modified by the user.
In this example, we only save the first parameter (corresponding to the x-coordinate
when used in the double well problem above), as well as the kinetic energy. */
void take_measurement(std:: vector <double> parameters, std:: vector <double> velocities){ /* CARE!!! The samplers need this function.
It needs to be written by the user. */
kin_energy.push_back( 0.5* (velocities[0]*velocities[0] + velocities[1]*velocities[1]) );
void print_to_csv(const int t_meas){ /* print results to file. this routine would be called in the main-file.
It needs to be written by the user. "t_meas" gives the number of sampler iterations
between two measurements (it is passed here to get the correct iteration count in the
output file.)*/
std:: ofstream file{"TEST.csv"};
std:: cout << "Writing to file...\n";
for ( size_t i = 0; i<x.size(); ++i )
file << i*t_meas << " " << x.at(i) << " " << kin_energy.at(i) << "\n";
std:: vector <double> x;
std:: vector <double> kin_energy;